form feed — noun (computing) A control character used to eject paper from a printer or to move the paper to the next page • • • Main Entry: ↑form … Useful english dictionary
Form Feed — [dt. »Formularvorschub«] (FF), Befehl für einen Drucker, einen Seitenvorschub vorzunehmen … Universal-Lexikon
form feed — Abbreviated FF. A printer command that advances the paper in the printer to the top of the next page. The Form Feed button on the printer also performs this same function. An application can also issue the command. In the ASCII character set,… … Dictionary of networking
form feed — lapo padavimo ženklas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Valdymo ženklas. Kodas: 12 (ASCII, dešimtainis), 0C (ASCII, šešioliktainis). Koduotėse žymimas FF (angl. form feed). Turėtų atlikti ↑puslapių skirtuko vaidmenį. Tačiau praktiškai… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
form feed — lapo padavimas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Komanda spausdintuvui, kad jis pradėtų spausdinti naują popieriaus lapą. Spausdintuvai paprastai turi taip pavadintą mygtuką, kurį paspaudus išspausdinamas naujas lapas (puslapis).… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
form feed — noun A control character traditionally used to cause the printer to eject the current page of output and start a new page, more recently equivalent to a carriage return … Wiktionary
form feed — command which instructs a printer to discharge the current sheet of paper … English contemporary dictionary
form feed — The ability of a printer to move continuous rolls of paper into the proper position to print one page after another … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Feed The Children — founded in 1979 is a Christian, international, non profit relief organization, whose stated mission is to deliver food, medicine, clothing and other necessities to individuals, children and families who lack these essentials due to famine, war,… … Wikipedia
Form 10-K405 — is an SEC filing to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that indicates that an officer or director of a public company failed to file a Form 4 (or related Form 3 or Form 5) on time, in violation of Section 16 meaning that they did not … Wikipedia
Form 10-12B — is an SEC filing used to register securities pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Form Uses This form is one of the most useful of the security registration forms because it relates to securities created as a result… … Wikipedia